Bloody Maria Spicy Hummus
Football food is FAN food And everybody is Team MARIA!
Serve these recipes wtih your favorite chips, veggies & Friends!
Happy Tailgating!
Bloody Maria Spicy Hummus
Garbanzo Beans/ Chick Peas 1 cup
Bloody Maria Mix 3/4 cup
Tahini 2 tsp
Olive Oil 1 Tbsp
Lime 1/2 - juiced
Salt pinch
1. Blend together in a blender. You can subsitiute olive oil with water, lemon juice or more Bloody Maria MIx. The key to this recipe is finding the right consistency that you desire. It’s super easy and super flexible.
You can also get creative by adding in roasted peppers, chiles, roasted garlic, fresh herbs, & lemon juice too.
Hummus is so easy to customize! Have fun!
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